I asked you to find the definition for Manifesto. We narrowed down the different meanings. You were also asked to read a manifesto or two manifestos so you could have a better idea.
By now, you should know what a MANIFESTO is. Well, this time I am asking you to write your own manifesto.
Before you commit to any ideas I suggest you have a look at other manifestos. I have for you the Wussy Boy Manifesto by a slam poet I really like; Big Poppa E. You can also watch it on video.
I strongly recommend that look for other manifestos that might be more serious or more to your liking.
So, Who are you? What do you believe in? What motivates you? What are your convictions?
On this occasion I am inviting to be introspective.
By the end of the class, I need to see a report on your progress.
You will present your manifesto to the class in any form you like, but you must speak in class.
- Be creative.
- Speak honestly and openly.
- Don´t use PowerPoint.
- Don't use a translator!
- Don't be shy, but most importantly be honest.
Manifestos will be presented on Monday, September 28th.
There is only ONE chance to present. Every one must be ready on Monday.
Once you have read this post, leave a comment with your opinion of this assignment, be honest and explain yourself clearly. Write it in English